WWF Partnership

Stop being selfish, think about your children's future

and donate free money to WWF!

No need to tell you, you already know...

You have already heard that nature and its resources as well as the future of the following generations are in danger if we continue to live like this.

So we decided to act in our own way and to change small gestures of our daily life, but also to make donations to the world's first conservation organization 🌄 .

What are we going to do ?

It's simple, we will pay out 10% of all profits made between April 9, 2021 and the day we reach 10,000 followers on our Instagram account at WWF.

The 3 steps to participate in our partnership with the WWF

Subscribe for free

Then we need you!

We need your participation to reach this large number of people, 10,000!

Each person is important in this adventure.

Whether you have 20 or 20,000 followers on your Instagram account, you can help us reach our goal by FOLLOWING us on Instagram (@peluche_kingdom).

Why participate?

Today we can all see the climate change 🌍 facing us as well as many different problems related to human activity such as deforestation, waste management and pollution.

Fortunately, it's not just bad things happening before our eyes. People are TAKING ACTION, so why not help them?

Thus, we have decided to help the WWF through donations to enable them to strengthen their actions and allow your children to be able to continue to enjoy nature when they are adults !

To be able to spend a great vacation at the beach 🌊, to enjoy the snow in winter and high altitude walks in summer.

The competition

You can also participate in our CONTEST where we will win the giant plush of your choice worth a maximum of €110 once our Instagram account goal has been reached. To do this, go to our Instagram account!

Take part in the competition

To participate, it's simple, go to the "contest" post on our Instagram and all you need to do is:

➔ ✅ Tag 2 people

➔ ✅ Follow us on Instagram

➔ ✅ Share our post in story

Once your participation is done, we will draw a winner every two days and the lucky winner for the giant plush once our goal has been reached.

Discount codes to win every two days

➔ A giant stuffed animal worth €110 (draw once 10,000 subscribers are reached) 

How to increase the donation value to WWF?

If your child's birthday is coming up 🎂 or you want to buy a stuffed animal, you can take advantage of promotions of up to -20% for the occasion. 10% of the profits from your purchases will be donated to WWF .

If you don't need anything, you can help us for FREE by sharing our little challenge with your entourage or on your social networks like in Instagram story.

What's next?

Once we reach 10,000 subscribers on our Instagram, we will donate 5% of the profits made to WWF 🐼 monthly to continue in our approach and help the planet in our own way!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us on Instagram (@peluche_kingdom) or by email at contact@peluche-kingdom.com.

So don't wait any longer and help us reach our goal, we'll take care of the rest.

Follow us

The entire Plush Kingdom™ team.

Kingdom Plush - GIVE HAPPINESS©

Protect the environment, top view forest with a bend of a road in nature

Instagram Plush Kingdom (@plush_kingdom)