Les Ours : Habitat, Description, Comportement, Alimentation et Prédateurs !

Ours -

Bears: Habitat, Description, Behaviour, Food and Predators!

of reading - words

Bears (Ursus species) are large, four-legged mammals that have a unique status in popular culture. They are not as cuddly as dogs, cats or their furry cousins ​​🧸 (teddy bears). Nor as dangerous as wolves or mountain lions (Pumas). But they are animals of fear, admiration and even envy. Present in a variety of environments, from Arctic sea ice to tropical forests, bears live on all continents except Antarctica.

The bear is a large mammal that belongs to the Ursidae family (Ursidae). It can be as small as 1.20m long and weigh around 27kg (the sun bear) or as large as 3m long and weigh over 725kg 🐘 (the polar bear). It has non-retractable claws, a short tail and an excellent sense of smell. They are generally solitary, except for mothers who have cubs.

On average, bears can live up to 25 years in the wild and 50 years 👴 in captivity. Six species, including the polar bear and the giant panda, are listed on the IUCN Red List as being among threatened or vulnerable species. This mammal is often captured in pens and victim of poaching.

Teddy Bear with a T-Shirt

1) The Bear in 10 Seconds TOP CHRONO

  • COMMON NAME: Bear, panda
  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ursidae, Ursidae, Ursus
  • DIET: Omnivorous 🍓
  • SIZE: 1 to 2 meters high, 1.20 to 3 meters long
  • WEIGHT: 25 to 725 kg
  • LIFESPAN: 25 to 50 years
  • HABITAT : Woods, grasslands, deserts, temperate and tropical forests (on all continents except Antarctica)
  • CONSERVATION STATE :  Least Concern: Brown Bears, American Black Bear; Vulnerable : sloth bear, polar bear, giant panda, sun bear (sun bear, sun bear), spectacled bear, Asiatic black bear

Brown Bear Walking in the Wild

2) Physical Description of Bears

A- Large Omnivorous Mammals

The bear, an omnivorous (mostly) mammal, is found all over the world; it lives in forests, mountains, tundra, deserts 🏜 and grassy areas. Although there are different types of bears, all bear species have similarities . They all have stocky, fur-covered bodies, short legs and tails, and round heads with long snouts. The size of the bears varies from that of the sun bear (1m20 long and weighing up to 90 kg) to that of the polar bear (nearly 3 meters long and weighing up to 725 kg).

B- The Different Bear Colors

The color of bears varies by species : Black, brown, and Andean bears are usually red-brown to black in color; polar bears are usually white ⚪ to yellow in color; Asiatic bears are black to brown with a white patch and sun bears are brown with a yellow crescent on their chest.

Black Bear with a White V Patch on the Chest (Sun Bear)

Asiatic black bears have a distinctive white "V" or "Y" shaped chest patch 🦸‍♀️. Sloth bears have similar spots, as well as light-colored muzzles. Sun bears have a crescent-shaped mark on their chest that resembles a rising sun.

Spectacled bears (tremarctos ornatus), also called Andean bears, get their name from the white circular markings around their eyes 👀 . It is the only species that lives in South America, where it is distributed in the Andes in Venezuela, Colombia and the coastal foothills of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Their long claws allow them to climb trees, where they often spend their days sleeping in nests they have built.

Spectacled Bear

Brown bears, despite their name, come in many colors, from light cream to almost black ⚫ . Similarly, American black bears can be black, as well as chocolate and cinnamon brown, causing some people to confuse them with brown bears. Giant pandas are renowned for their stunning black and white coloring. Polar bears, with their characteristic white fur, are the largest bears.

3) Bear Habitat

Brown bears are found in more places 🌍 than any other bear species . It lives in northwestern North America, the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa, northern Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.

There are several subspecies of brown bears . Brown bears found on the coasts of Alaska are called Kodiak or Alaskan brown bears 🏔. The Alaska Peninsula brown bear lives only on the western tip of the Alaska Peninsula, as the name suggests. Inside North America, brown bears are sometimes called grizzly bears because their fur has white or tan tips. ("Grizzly" means "dusted or streaked with gray".)

Brown Bears Fighting in a River in Alaska

American black bears only live in North America , and spectacled bears 👓 are only found in South America . Asiatic black bears are found throughout Asia . The sloth bear also occurs in Asia, including India , Nepal , Bhutan , and Sri Lanka , but it may have disappeared from Bangladesh .

Polar bears and giant pandas are among the rarest types of bears. Polar bears are only found in the icy lands of the Arctic , and pandas are only found in the moist and cool bamboo forests of Central Asia .

4) What does the bear eat?

All bears are considered omnivores - and yes, they all love the taste of honey 🍯 - but each species has its preferred diet . They therefore feed on vegetation and meat, but each species of bear has certain foods that it consumes more than others. For example, polar bears feed primarily on seals and walruses, American black bears like berries and insect larvae when available, and in Alaska brown bears gorge themselves on fresh salmon, snatching them from water or catching them mid-air when they jump.

Do Bears Eat Honey

Giant pandas in the wild spend 12 hours a day eating mostly bamboo shoots 🎋 , but they also eat small animals. Curiously, the digestive system of pandas is relatively well adapted to eating meat despite being almost entirely herbivorous and polar bears carnivorous.

Despite their name, sloth bears are ferocious and fast ⚡ eaters, able to punch a hole in a termite mound, stick their particularly long noses in, and inhale a full meal in just seconds. Termites are the main food of sloth bears.

5) List of Bear Predators: What Eats a Bear?

Most of us are probably afraid of bears. But which animals are not afraid of bears ? To the point that it would date to attack and possibly eat it 🍴? Here we will give you an overview of what could hunt, catch and eat a bear.

Meat Eating Brown Bear

But first, here's the quick answer you can skim through, and then we'll explain in more detail - as it depends on the type, size, and location 📍 of the bear and its predators.

What eats a bear? The list of what eats a bear is short, such as predators and carnivores 🥩. Most other animals have more to fear. But tigers , other bears , wolves , and especially humans have been known to attack and kill bears. Large numbers of scavengers are also a threat.

Regardless of what type of bear it is, as an apex predator and carnivore , the bear has virtually no natural predators. Most of the time, they are limited to other bears, humans, scavengers, and occasionally the tiger.

Bear in the Forest in Canada

An adult bear doesn't have much to worry about in terms of predators. Thanks to its magnificent size, brute strength, agility and surprising speed 🚀, animals, in general, know better than anyone not to attack an adult bear . And as if that weren't enough, bears have also been known to make themselves look bigger and more intimidating by fluffing up their coats.

A charging bear is probably not a very inviting sight and few animals or humans survived ☠️ to tell the tale after it happened. The main disadvantage of bears is that they are solitary creatures. This makes them vulnerable to attack from certain predators.

The three dominant types of bears are white polar bears, brown grizzly bears, and North American black bears. In terms of strength and size, the polar bear is the strongest 💪 and the black bear the weakest of the three. Another commonly known type of bear is, of course, the panda. Its vulnerability to particular predators depends on its size, strength, and aggressiveness as a species.

Polar Bears Attacking

Also, location means coming into contact with different predators that share the same ecosystem 🌲. Determining what a bear eats therefore requires common sense and geographic knowledge.

A- Bears Vs Tigers - Tigers Eat Bears

Tigers are about the only natural predator of bears , aside from other bears and humans. But if the circumstances are right, we would also place wolverines and mountain lions 🦁 (Puma) in this category.

Although a tiger has the element of surprise and superior ambush abilities on its side that allow it to overpower just about any animal, they rarely attack bears . This is because the two species are very well matched in skills, strength, and firepower, so it's just not worth risking injury for either. the other of them.

Asian Bear with a Tiger and a Lioness

However, in Asia, where the size of tigers is generally larger than in the rest of the world, a large tiger 🐯 sometimes attacks small or medium-sized bears and eats them.

B- Bears Against Wolves - Wolves Eat Bears

Whether wolves prey on bears has long been debated . It is certain that trappers and guides have reported that bear fur has been found in wolf droppings 🐺.

Bears that ran away while wolves were in the area and there is circumstantial evidence that wolves attacked bears in their den. In nature, numbers matter. If a pack of wolves can harass a young, or even an adult bear long enough to tire it out 🥵, it's possible they'll kill it for food.

Wolf Attacking a Bear

However, the wolves must then be very hungry . So it's more likely to happen in the winter months ❄, when food is scarce

C- Bears Against Other Bears - Bears Eat Bears

Adult male bears are commonly known to eat cubs 🐻 that are not their own. In fact, in dire circumstances where food is scarce, these animal species may even eat their own little bears.

Also, bear species like the polar bear, which have a definite advantage in strength and size over black and brown bears, often hunt and eat the other weaker species where their territories intersect 🏞 . The grizzly, on the other hand, is bigger and stronger than the black bear, so it clashes with it too, but rarely.

Cubs Climbing a Tree

But don't forget the territories . For example, the Andean bear is unlikely to be attacked by other bears due to its proximity to the Andean mountains 🌎.

D- Bears Vs Humans - Humans Eat Bears

Like just about every other animal in the animal kingdom, bears too are hunted and eaten 🍔 by humans . In fact, humans are probably the most important predator of bears and have severely reduced the populations of just about every bear species in the world.

Of course, hunters need the help and use of various equipment such as weapons 🔫 and machines to counter the natural advantages that a bear has, namely the strength and power that bears have over them. .

bear hunting

These hunted bears are then used as food , but also for their fur and certain organs. A bear's gallbladder is often used in traditional Chinese medicine.

E- Other Bear Predators

Any animal that has the advantage in size and/or strength over a bear would be likely to kill and eat it 🦴.

Examples are rhinos 🦏 and hippos, as well as aquatic animals like crocodiles. All of these animals have the strength and skill to defeat a grizzly bear or American black bear with relative ease - if they ever had to share the same territory.

F- Bears Against Scavengers

A bear has the advantage of speed, strength, and size over almost all scavengers, but since scavengers primarily only prey on a dead animal, a dead bear can't do much. thing 😆 to defend against scavengers, unless they arrive in large numbers.

Scavengers That Eat an Andean Bear

Once a bear dies, whether from natural causes or after an attack from one of its other predators, the carcass will be a target for scavengers 🦅 , and possibly even other animals if they don't find no other fresh meat.

G- Bears and Ungulates

Ungulates like moose, bison, and musk ox 🐃 are known to retaliate with horns and hooves to fend off bear attacks. Bears act cautiously to try to isolate and attack smaller bison, elk or oxen.

6) 9 Interesting and Fun Facts about Bears

Bears have captured the attention (and hearts) of many people 😊 over the years, but here are 9 facts you might not know about these iconic animals!

Polar Bears Standing on Ice

  • While it's easy to think of bears as fluffy monsters to cuddle, there's so much more than meets the eye! A polar bear's coat is made up of two unique layers : The short coat insulates against the weather, while the long coat prevents water 💦 from reaching the short coat and skin. Each layer has a unique function and allows bears to thrive in cold conditions.
  • Polar bears and brown bears shared a common ancestor six million years ago , before polar bears became a separate species.
  • Grizzlies have a bite force of over 1,200 psi (83 bar), which is enough to crush a bowling ball 🎳 or an iron skillet. Adult grizzlies can run at an incredible speed of 65 kilometers per hour , which is the same pace as a greyhound, and would even exceed the speed limit on many roads in France! Polar bears, the largest of all bear species, can weigh between 400 and 725 kg and measure around 2 to 3 meters in length! With all of these incredible physical characteristics, it's no wonder bears have proven to be dominant predators in the wild.

swimming polar bear

  • Despite their weight, most bears climb easily and swim with strength.
  • Bears can walk a short distance on their hind legs, leading some Native Americans to call them " beasts that walk like men " 🤸‍♂️. It is this ability that is sorely exploited in the cruel dance of the bears, as they are able to move in a way that makes it look like they are "dancing". Bears usually stand on their hind legs so they can better see or smell what is in front of them.
  • The black bear is the species most often seen robbing trash cans and stealing food from campsites.

Black Bear Eating from a Bin

  • The bear is one of the most intelligent land animals in North America. They have the largest and most complex brain compared to other land mammals of their size and they rely on this brain for a number of behaviors. For example, grizzly bears can remember hotspots for food even after ten years and some have even been observed covering their tracks or hiding behind rocks and trees to avoid being detected by hunters . Grizzly bears have also learned to camouflage their scent by rolling in rotting flesh in order to sneak up on their prey.
  • They need your help! Around the world, bears have become the subject of a whole range of exploitation, including bear circuses, bear baiting and dancing bears.
  • The sun bear is one of the few bear species that can walk on its hind legs: Sun bear mothers carry their helpless cubs in their arms.

Bear on its Hind Legs (Standing Bear)

7) Habits of Bears: Survival of the Big Ones

A- Hibernation

As the vast majority of bears live in high northern latitudes, they need a way to survive during the winter months when food is dangerously scarce. In winter, when food is scarce, most bears have an effective survival solution: hibernation 😴.

Bears enter a deep sleep, which lasts for months, during which a particular physical state sets in in which heart rate, body temperature, metabolism and respiration are lowered. The grizzly and the black bear can go a hundred days without eating , drinking, urinating or defecating. They live off a layer of fat that they accumulate during summer and fall. Brown bears, for example, spend four to six months sleeping in their dens.

Females wake up during hibernation in their den to give birth to up to four cubs. Giant pandas 🐼, which do not hibernate , usually give birth to a single cub. After a few months, the cubs are strong enough to follow their mother, with the exception of the sloth cubs which hitch a ride on their mother's back.

Bear Coming Out of its Den After Hibernation

Being in hibernation is not like being in a coma. If sufficiently awake, a bear may wake up in the middle of hibernation , and females have even been known to give birth in the depths of winter. Fossils also indicate that cave lions preyed on hibernating cave bears during the last ice age 🧭, although some of these bears woke up and killed the intruders.

B- Communication between Bears: Solitary Animals

Bears are perhaps the most antisocial mammals on the planet . Adult bears are almost entirely solitary. This is good news for campers ⛺ who accidentally encounter solitary grizzly bears in the wild, but it's quite unusual compared to other carnivorous and omnivorous mammals, ranging from wolves to pigs, which tend to congregate at less in small groups.

Most bears are solitary and only interact with their cubs. Depending on the species, a bear's basic communication needs can be expressed 🗣️ by seven or eight "words" , different sounds:

  • jostling
  • Punches
  • Moans
  • Roars
  • growls
  • buzzing
  • Barking

Roaring Bear

The most dangerous sounds for humans are roars and growls, which indicate that a frightened or agitated bear is defending its territory.

Snoring is usually produced during mating and courtship rituals; buzzes - much like cat purrs, but much louder - are made by cubs to seek their mother's attention, and moans express anxiety or a sense of danger. Giant pandas have a slightly different vocabulary than their bear brethren: in addition to the sounds described above, they can also chirp, honk, and bleat.

C- When are the Bears Active?

Most bears are normally active during the day ☀ , unless they frequently encounter humans. In this case, they can become nocturnal, to avoid contact. Asiatic black bears, on the other hand, are generally nocturnal. They sleep during the day in trees or caves, and hunt at night.

Bears are active during the day

8) The Reproduction of the Bear: The Cubs

A- Reproduction

Like their close cousins ​​seals and walruses, bears are among the most sexually dimorphic animals on earth. In other words, male bears ♂️ are significantly larger than females ♀️ and, what's more, the larger the species, the greater the size disparity. In the largest subspecies of brown bear, for example, males weigh around 450 kg and females only slightly more than half that weight.

However, even though the females are smaller than the males, they are not really helpless . They vigorously defend 🏋‍♀️ their cubs from male bears, not to mention humans stupid enough to interfere with the cub-rearing process. Male bears, however, sometimes attack and kill cubs of their own kind, in order to induce females to breed with him again.

Although there are some differences between the species, in general, females reach sexual maturity between 4 and 8 years old and have litters every three or four years . Bear breeding takes place during the summer (this is the only time adult bears congregate) but implantation usually doesn't happen until late fall 🍁. The total gestation period is 6.5-9 months.

Baby Bears Playing in the Forest

B- The Baby Bears: the Cubs

Most bears have their young in dens. Dens are houses made of hollowed out trees , caves, and brush piles. Bears can also create a den by digging a hole in the side of a hill or under the roots of a tree 🌳.

As bears are mammals, they give birth to live cubs. Baby bears are called cubs . Cubs are completely defenseless at birth and depend on their mother for food 🐟 and protection. Cubs are hairless and cannot smell or hear when they are born. Their mother often stands upright like a human and carries their young in her paws or in her mouth.

Cubs are born singly or up to three at a time, usually in January or February, while the mother is still in hibernation. The young usually stay with their mother for two years. Bears can be smaller than teddy bears ! Brown bears weigh no more than 454 to 709 grams at birth 👶. Newborn sun bear cubs are even smaller and can weigh from 198 to 340 grams.

Bear cub

9) The 8 Bear Species 

Scientists recognize eight species of bears as well as many subspecies , which live in different regions 🗺, which have differences in body shape and coloration. The eight species of bear:

  • Asiatic black bear or moon bear (Ursus thibetanus) -> 7 subspecies
  • The brown bear (Ursus arctos) -> 16 subspecies
  • The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
  • The North American black bear (Ursus americanus) -> 16 subspecies
  • Polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
  • Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus)
  • Spectacled bear or Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus)
  • sun bear (Helarctos malayanus)

The sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) is the smallest , often weighing less than 50 kg, and the largest is a subspecies of Alaskan brown bear called the Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi; see grizzly bear). The polar bear (Ursus maritimus), however, is the largest bear species. The black bear (Ursus americanus) is common in parts of the United States and Canada 🇨🇦.

Giant Panda Eating Bamboo

There have been many disagreements over the classification of giant pandas. Mammalogists have placed giant pandas with bears (family Ursidae), with raccoons 🦝 (Procyonidae), or with the red, or lesser, panda (Ailurus fulgens) in the Ailuridae. However, molecular analyzes performed in the 1990s revealed a close evolutionary relationship between giant pandas and bears.

Bears belong to the family Ursidae (Ursidae) and to the genera: Ailuropoda, Helarctos, Melursus, Tremarctos, Ursus. Discover more in detail 📑 these 8 species :

North American Black Bear

  • The American black bear (Ursus americanus) lives exclusively in North America and Mexico; its diet consists mainly of leaves, buds, shoots 🌱, berries and nuts. Subspecies of this bear include Cinnamon Bear, Glacier Bear, Mexican Black Bear, Kermode Bear, Louisiana Black Bear, and several others.

Asian Black Bear

  • Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) live in Southeast Asia and the Russian Far East. They have massive bodies and patches of yellowish-white fur on their chests, but resemble American black bears in shape, behavior and diet.

Brown bear

  • The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is one of the largest terrestrial carnivorous mammals in the world. It is present in North America, Europe and Asia and includes many subspecies, such as the Carpathian bear, European brown bear, Gobi bear, grizzly bear, Kodiak bear and several others.

Baby Polar Bear (Polar Cub)

  • The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) rivals the brown bear in size. These bears are restricted to a circumpolar region of the Arctic, extending south to northern Canada and Alaska. When not living on sea ice and coastlines, polar bears swim in open water 🏊, feeding on seals and walruses.

Giant panda

  • Giant pandas (Aeluropoda melanoleuca) feed almost exclusively on bamboo shoots and leaves in the central and southern regions of western China. These distinctively patterned bears have black bodies, white faces, black ears, and black dots over their eyes.

Sloth Bear

  • Sloth bears 🦥 (Melursus ursinus) stalk the grasslands, forests and scrublands of Southeast Asia. These bears have long, shaggy coats and white chest markings; they feed on termites, which they find thanks to their highly developed sense of smell.

Andean Bear (Spectacled Bear)

  • The spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatos) is the only bear native to South America, which inhabits tropical rainforests at over 900 meters altitude. These bears once lived in coastal deserts and high-altitude grasslands, but human encroachment has restricted their range.

Sun Bear

  • Sun bears (Helarctos malayanos) live in the lowland rainforests of Southeast Asia. These tiny cubs have the shortest fur of any bear species, with their chests marked with light U-shaped patches of reddish-brown fur.

10) Form and Function of the Bear

In most species, the male is larger than the female. Unlike cats and canids such as dogs 🐕‍🦺 and wolves, bears walk plantigrade (on the soles of their feet, heels touching the ground). Each foot has five toes ending in large, non-retractable claws which are sometimes adapted for digging, as in the Asiatic sloth bear.

Bear that Hibernates and Sleeps in the Forest

The claws of the front legs are generally better developed than those of the hind legs and are particularly suitable for digging up small rodents 🐇 or the roots of nutritious plants. The paws usually have a hairless sole, but those of the polar bear are covered with hair , which allows the animal to walk on ice with a firm footing. Bears do not have a collarbone, but they do have a baculum (penis bone). Their lips are protruding and mobile. They all have short, stubby tails.

Bears have an elongated skull, particularly heavy in the dorsal part, and their jaws are hinge-controlled by a set of powerful muscles. The teeth 🦷 of omnivorous bears are not specialized. The first three premolars are usually either missing or extremely small.

Apart from the variability in the presence of the premolars, the dental formula of the bear is that of the carnivore 🦖 in general , but the sloth bear lacks a pair of upper incisors. The shearing (carnivorous) teeth are poorly developed and the molars have wide, flat crowns.

Bear Dog

11) The Evolutionary History of Bears

Given the proliferation of what were called bear dogs millions of years ago it can be assumed that modern bears are more closely related to dogs. In fact, molecular analysis 🧪 shows that bears' closest living relatives are pinnipeds, the family of marine mammals that includes seals and walruses.

These two families of mammals are descended from a last common ancestor, or "concestor", who lived in the Eocene era, around 40 or 50 million years ago 🦕 . The exact identity of the progenitor species, however, remains a matter of speculation.

Mama Brown Bear with Baby Fishing

The bear family is the most recent lineage of carnivores. Its ancestral line appears to have diverged from that of canids in the Late Miocene era and developed into modern species through Pliocene forms such as the Hyaenarctos of Europe, Asia, and North America. Studies of mitochondrial 👩‍🔬 DNA (mtDNA) done in the early 21st century showed that black bears, brown bears and polar bears diverged from each other around 4-5 million years ago , at the beginning of the Pliocene era (5.3 to 2.6 million years ago).

Given that the populations of medieval Europe did not have much contact with polar bears or pandas, it makes sense that European peasants 👨‍🌾 associated bears with the color brown - hence the name English of this animal (bear), which comes from the old Germanic root bera.

Bear with his Mama Bear in the Forest Looking for Food

Bears are also known as ursines, a word that has ancient roots in Proto-Indo-European languages ​​that were spoken as early as 3500 BC ⌚. The long history of this word makes sense , given that early human settlers in Eurasia lived in close proximity to cave bears and sometimes worshiped these beasts as gods.

12) Heavy Threats to Bears: They are in Danger!

Considering that early humans worshiped bears as gods , our relationship with bears hasn't exactly been stellar over the past few centuries 😔. Bears are particularly susceptible to habitat destruction, they are often hunted for sport and tend to become scapegoats when campers are attacked in the wild or dumpsters are knocked over in the suburbs.

Today, the greatest threats to bears are deforestation and human encroachment , and, for polar bears, climate change 🌦 which reduces the environment in which they live. Global warming affecting sea ice is a critical danger of extinction for these species. They depend on the presence of seals on the sea ice for their meal, and they often go the summer months without eating while waiting for the ice to solidify.

Polar Bear on a Piece of Ice in the Middle of the Water

Melting sea ice poses an existential threat to polar bears. Overall, black and brown bears are holding their own, although negative interactions with humans have increased as their habitats have tightened.

Some bear species, including Asiatic black bears and sun bears, are also threatened by the illegal wildlife trade. Bear bile, which is produced in the gallbladder, is an important ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine. Asiatic black bears and sun bears can be poached for their gall bladders, paws, skin and other parts. Sometimes American black bears are also targeted for the same reasons.

Polar Bear Goodbye with its Paw

13) The Conservation Status of Bears

Six of eight bear species (all except brown bears and American black bears) are either endangered or vulnerable , according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The giant panda is the most endangered bear. It is estimated that there are only 1,000 to 2,000 bears left living in the wild in their natural environment (according to the IUCN).

Polar bears are also in danger. According to the World Wildlife Federation, there are only 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears left. The IUCN classifies sun bears and sloth bears as "vulnerable" due to habitat loss 🏭.

The Best Teddy Bears

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