Le Lion, Roi de la Savane : Description, Habitat, Alimentation et Reproduction

Lion -

The Lion, King of the Savannah: Description, Habitat, Feeding and Reproduction

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Throughout history, the lion (Panthera leo) has represented courage 😃 and strength. The most social felines in the world, they are the largest of all African cats! It is easily recognized by its roar and the mane of the male. Lions roam the savannahs and grasslands of the African continent, hunting cooperatively and raising their young with pride.

It once roamed most of Africa, as well as large parts of Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Today, it is found in parts 🧩 in East Africa and with a population on the Indian subcontinent. It is the second largest cat species in the world, smaller than the tiger.

African lions, the “kings of the savannah”, are revered around the world, but their population has ↘ halved in the past 25 years... Conflict with humans is one of the greatest threats facing they are faced.

Savanna Lion Plush

1) The Lion in 10 Seconds TOP CHRONO


  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Panthera leo


  • DIET: Carnivore 🥩

  • SIZE: 1.5 to 2.5 meters long (head and tail); 66 cm to 1 m in tail length and about 1.3 to 2 meters in length (head and body)

  • WEIGHT: 120 to 250 kg

  • GROUP NAME: Pride

  • LIFESPAN: 10 to 14 years

  • HABITAT: Groups in sub-Saharan Africa and India

  • POPULATION: Approximately 23,000 to 39,000 individuals



2) The Description of this Big Cat

The lion, proverbial "king of animals" 🤴, has been one of the best known wild animals since ancient times. They have been admired throughout history as symbols of courage and strength. These iconic animals have powerful bodies ; in the cat family, they are the second largest in size after tigers. Also in the cat family, the lion is the only one with sexual dimorphism, which means that male and female lions look different from each other: males are larger than females (lionesses) and have a different physical appearance.

Lion and Lioness Beside

A- The Color of the Lion, its Mane and the White Lion

Lions have strong, compact bodies and powerful front legs, teeth, and jaws to bring down and kill their prey. Their coat is yellow-gold, and adult males have a shaggy mane ranging in color from blond to reddish-brown to black as well as dark tail tufts, which conceal the spurs of the tail bones in some specimens. .

The length and color of a lion's mane is likely determined by age , genetics, and hormones. Young lions have light spots ☀ on their coat that fade as they grow. Without their coats, the bodies of lions and tigers are so similar that only experts can tell them apart!

White lions are rarely found in the wild. The white coat ⚪ is caused by a double recessive allele. Contrary to what one might think, the white lion is not an albino animal . They have normal colored skin and eyes.

White Lion

B- The Size of the Lion

Lions measure between 1 and 1.2 meters at the shoulder. The males reach a length of 3 meters and have a tail of 60 to 91 centimeters 📏. They weigh between 150 and 250 kg. Slightly smaller, females measure 2.7 meters and weigh between 120 and 180 kg.

3) Natural Habitat: Where Do Lions Live?

Historically, they were present in much of Europe, Asia and all over Africa, but today the species has disappeared from 94% of its historical range . They have mostly disappeared from North Africa, are threatened with extinction in West Africa and with the exception of a small population of the Indian lion subspecies (Asian Lions (Panthera Leo Persica )) which remains in the dry deciduous forest of Gir in northwest India, lions now live only in Africa, from the southern fringe of the Sahara to northern South Africa.

This carnivorous mammal may be called the "king of the jungle", but it is actually absent from equatorial areas 🌴 dominated by tropical rainforest. It is also absent from desert areas. Today, these large felids live in a wide variety of habitats ; from open plains to thick scrub, to dry thorn forests, and into savannahs and grasslands, where they find some cover, plenty of water, and where they can hunt their prey more easily. Lions live in habitats ranging from sea level to mountain slopes up to 4,000 meters above sea level, including Mount Kilimanjaro.

Lion Next to Kilimanjaro

4) 20 Interesting and Fun Facts about Lions

  • The lonely male lions defend the territory of the troop while the females take care of the hunt 🔫. Despite this, the males eat first.

  • This fighter can run short distances at 80 km/h and jump up to 10 meters .

  • The blackness ⚫ of a male lion's mane is a good indicator of his age. The darker the mane, the older the lion.

  • A lion's heels do not touch the ground when it walks.

  • A lion can sleep up to 20 hours a day.

  • The roar of a lion can be heard 👂 up to a distance of 8 km.

  • Even though the lion is sometimes called the " king of the jungle ", it actually only lives in grasslands and plains. Rather, he is the “ king of the savannah ”! The phrase may stem from an incorrect association between Africa and jungles or may refer to a less literal meaning of the word jungle.

Lion Lying on a Rock

  • These majestic cats are threatened by the loss of their habitat 🏭. The lion is listed as a vulnerable species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

  • The lion was once present throughout Africa, Asia and Europe, but it now only exists in Africa, with one exception. The last Asiatic lions are found in the Sasan-Gir National Park in India, which was established primarily to protect the species. Currently, there are approximately 350-400 lions in the park.

  • African lions are the most sociable of all big cats and live together in groups or "proud". A "pride" is made up of about 15 lions.

  • Adult males only stay in the pride for about two years ⌚ before being kicked out by competitors.

  • The lion has always been a symbol of strength , power and ferocity.

  • The African species are larger than the Asiatic (Indian) lion and it is the second largest feline, after the tiger.

  • The lion's name in Swahili, an African language, is "simba".

  • In the wild, they live between 10 and 14 years .

  • From time to time, a lioness grows a mane 🧔. No one really knows why.

  • Lions are at the top of the food chain, but are not very good at hunting: They have a success rate of less than 30% .

  • Lionesses are attracted to black-maned males.

  • Female lions raise the cubs and are also the main hunters.

  • Without their coats, the bodies of lions and tigers are so similar that only experts can tell them apart 🧐.

Tiger on a Lion Cub (Lion and Tiger)

5) His Diet: What Does the Lion Eat?

A- The Natural Diet of Lions

These animal species are hyper carnivores, which means that their diet is made up of more than 70% meat . African lions prefer to hunt large ungulates and feed mainly on large animals that weigh between 45 and 453 kg, such as zebras, deer, African buffalo, gemsbok ( Oryx Gazelle ), giraffe 🦒 and wildebeest . They avoid very large prey (elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus) and very small (hare, monkey, hyracoid (Hyrax or Hyrax) , dik-dik (Dwarf Antelope)).

In times of scarcity, they are an exception to the rule and also catch and eat a variety of small animals, from rodents to reptiles 🦎. Lions also steal animals killed by hyenas , leopards, and other predators. Sometimes they may lose their own catch to groups of hyenas. Lions may also prey on domestic livestock, especially in areas near villages.

Lions drink water 💧 when it is available , but if not, they get the necessary moisture from their prey or from plants like tsamma melons in the Kalahari Desert.

drinking lion

In India, lions feed on domestic livestock 🐑 when available, but they mostly consume wild Chital deer.

B- What Do Lions Eat in Zoos?

Lions at the zoo often eat cuts of meat like ground beef, commercially produced to meet the nutritional needs of carnivores. At longer intervals (about twice a week), they are given ox shank bones or femurs, and once a week, rabbits or whole dead animals to eat which exercise the teeth and jaws of these animals. predators.

It is good for them to devour the whole animal , because the fur, skin and bones allow them to clean their teeth well. This also makes it possible to "enrich" them, that is to say to make them act as they would in nature.

6) How does the Lion Hunt? Who hunts between the Lion and the Lioness?

A- What are the prey of the Lion?

As we have seen before, lions prey on a wide variety of animals ranging in size from rodents and baboons 🐒 to Cape (or African) buffaloes and hippos, but they mainly hunt hoofed animals medium to large in size such as wildebeest, zebras and antelopes. Many of these animals are faster than lions, so teamwork pays off.

Lioness Eating Meat Carcass

Prey preferences vary by geographic region 📍 and by neighboring groups. A single lion can take down prey twice as large . Thus, lions have been known to take elephants and giraffes, but only if the individual is young or particularly sick. They will gladly eat any meat they can find, including carrion and fresh carcasses which they forage or forcibly steal from hyenas, cheetahs or wild dogs.

B- How Do Lionesses Hunt?

Lionesses living in the open African savannah do most of the hunting, while the males ♂️ generally appropriate their meals from the prey of the female ♀️. However, male lions are also good hunters , and in some areas they hunt frequently. In brush or woods, males spend less time with females and hunt most of their own meals. Nomadic males must always provide their own food.

The females raise the young and are the main hunters, although the males sometimes join the females in the hunt. Depending on the prey object, multiple lions can stalk their prey from different angles up to 30 meters before attacking the targeted animal 🐃.

Lioness Hunting Zebras in the African Savannah

Although a group of hunting lions are potentially nature's most fearsome predatory force on earth, much of their hunts fail . These big cats pay no attention to the direction of the wind (which can transmit their scent to their prey), and they get tired after traveling short distances.

They usually stalk their prey in nearby cover areas and then swoop in to smash them in a quick, short run. After jumping on the prey, the lion slits its prey's neck 🦓 and bites until the animal has been strangled.

Usually the prey is consumed at the hunting location and the other members of the troop quickly crowd to feed on the prey, usually fighting 💥 for access. Hunts are sometimes conducted in groups, with members of a troop circling a herd or approaching it from the opposite direction, then closing in to kill the animal in the ensuing panic. But lions often lose their prey once killed to hyenas and sometimes crocodiles.

Lion Chasing a Crocodile in a River

These felines usually stuff themselves and then rest for several days in close proximity. An adult male can consume more than 34 kg of meat in a single meal 😋 and rest for a week before resuming the hunt. If prey is plentiful, both sexes typically spend 21–22 hours per day resting, sleeping, or sitting, and hunt only 2–3 hours per day.

Although the lion is an apex predator, it falls prey to humans 😕 . Lion cubs are often killed by hyenas, wild dogs and leopards.

7) Lion Behavior and Communication: What Sound Does the Lion Make?

Lions sleep 16 to 20 hours a day . They most often hunt at dawn 🌇 or dusk, but can adapt to their prey to alter their schedule. They communicate through vocalizations, head rubs, licks, facial expressions, chemical marks, and visual marks. Lions are known for their fierce roar, but they can also growl, mew, growl and purr.

Sleeping White Lion Sticking Its Tongue Out

Lions are most active at night 🌙 and live in a variety of habitats, but they prefer grasslands, savannah, dense brush, and open forests. They live in densities of 1.5 to 55 adult animals per 100 square kilometer.

Lions play battle to improve their hunting skills. When playing combat , they do not show their teeth and keep their claws retracted so as not to hurt their partner. The playful combat 😏 is a training and practice exercise, which allows to attack prey effectively and to establish relations between the members of the tribe. It is during the game that the lions determine which posse members should pursue and monopolize their careers and which posse members should go for the kill.

8) The Social Structure of Lions: Pride

A- What is a group of Lions called?

Lions are unique among cats because they live in groups, or in pride; the name of a group of lions is called a "pride" . Lions are the most social felines in the world 🗣️. Members of a pride usually spend the day in several scattered groups that may join together to hunt or share a meal.

Pride of Lion (Group of Felines)

B- The Structure of a Pride

A pride consists of several generations of lionesses, some of which are related, a small number of breeding males and their young. The group can have from 4 to 40 members 👥 , but the average size is around 15 members.

The abundance of available prey 🦏 plays an important role in the size of a lion's pride, but a typical group includes three males, a dozen females and their young. Pride Companions associate in sub-groups within the Pride. In India, lion groups are generally smaller, with two females.

Females usually stay in their mother's pride 👩 all their lives, unless food shortage forces them out. Young males are driven out of their pride when they grow large enough to compete with the dominant males (usually between 2 and 4 years old). They create coalitions, usually with brothers and cousins, and look for a pride to take over.

Lions Fighting for Pride

Males entering a new troop kill any young that cannot escape them. Adult lions who are lucky enough to obtain residency 🏡 within a troop stay in place for an average of two years, and often leave the troop after being kicked out by another lion coalition. In India, male and female lions live separately , only coming together to mate.

There are a number of competing evolutionary explanations for why lions form groups. The large size and high density of their main prey probably makes group living more efficient for females in terms of energy expenditure ⚡.

Groups of females, for example, hunt more efficiently and are better able to defend their young 👶 against infanticidal males and their hunting territory against other females. The relative importance of these factors is up for debate, and it is unclear who was responsible for establishing group living and what the secondary benefits are.

Baby Lion Playing with an Adult Lion

9) Lion Territory

Each lion pride has a well-defined territory consisting of a central area strictly defended 🚫 against lion intrusions and a peripheral area where some overlap is tolerated.

When prey is plentiful, the area of ​​the territory can be as small as 20 km² , but if game 🐗 is scarce, it can reach 400 km² . Some prides have been known to use the same territory for decades, passing it on between females.

The males take on most of the defensive tasks. However, both males and females proclaim their territories by roaring 📢 (which can be heard up to eight kilometers away) and scent marking. Their characteristic roar is usually emitted in the evening before a night of hunting and again before rising at dawn.

Males also proclaim their presence by urinating on bushes, trees, or simply on the ground, leaving behind a pungent smell. Defecation and rubbing against bushes leave different olfactory traces.

Roaring Lion

10) The Reproduction of this Big Cat and the Development of the Lion Cub

A- Reproduction of the Lion

Both sexes are polygamous and reproduce throughout the year, but females are usually limited to one or two adult males from their parent group. Although they mate all year round, reproduction usually peaks during the rainy season 🌧 . In captivity lions often breed every year, but in the wild they usually breed no more than once every two years.

Females are receptive to mating for three or four days as part of a highly variable reproductive cycle. During this period, a pair usually mates every 20-30 minutes, with up to 50 copulations per 24 hours 🔞 . Such prolonged copulation not only stimulates ovulation in the female, but also guarantees paternity of the male by excluding other males.

As with other cats, the male lion's penis has rearward-pointing spines that stimulate the lioness to ovulate during mating. The gestation period is around 108 days , and litter size ranges from one to six pups, with two to four being usual. In some cases, the female gives birth to her young in an isolated den 🏞 and hunts alone until the young are six to eight weeks old.

Two Cubs Walking in the Earth (Baby Lions)

B- Baby Lions: Cubs

Newborns weigh between 800 and 1500 grams 🐣 at birth. They are initially blind and deaf : their eyes and ears open during the first two weeks. Cubs are born with a thick coat adorned with dark spots that usually disappear with maturity.

Cubs are able to follow their mother at around three months of age and are weaned at six or seven months. They start hunting at 5-6 months, but probably cannot survive on their own until they are two years old . So they stay with their mother until they are between 18 months and 3 years old. Although lionesses nurse 🍼 cubs other than their own, they are surprisingly inattentive and often leave their cubs alone for up to 24 hours.

This results in a high mortality rate (e.g. 86% in the Serengeti), but the survival rate improves after two years of age. In nature, sexual maturity is reached at the age of three, four or five years. Some females remain with the troop when they reach sexual maturity, but others are forced out and join other troopers or wander as nomads.

What is the name of the Baby of the Lion-the Cub

In the prides, a lioness takes care of all the cubs while the others go hunting. The females fiercely defend the lion cubs within their tribe. Males tolerate their young, but do not always defend them.

C- The Development of Semi-Adult Lions (from 2 to 5 years old)

Females reach sexual maturity at 4 years old and males at 5 years old. Males are expelled from the troop at around three years old and become nomads 🎒 until they are old enough to attempt to take over another troop (after the age of five). Many adult males remain lifelong nomads . Mating opportunities for nomadic males are rare, and competition between male lions to defend a pride's territory and mate with females in the pride is fierce.

Cooperative partnerships of two to four males are more successful than single individuals at maintaining their territory with some pride, and larger coalitions give rise to more surviving offspring per male. Small coalitions usually include related males, while larger groups often include unrelated individuals.

Two Nomadic Lions Lying on the Road

If a new cohort of males are able to appropriate a pride, they will seek to kill the young cubs sired by their predecessors. This has the effect of shortening the time before the mothers of the young are ready to mate again . Females attempt to prevent this infanticide by hiding 👻 or directly defending their young; lionesses are generally more successful in protecting their older cubs, as they would leave the pride sooner.

11) Leo Hybrids

The genus Panthera includes leopards, jaguars and tigers 🐅, as well as lions. In captivity, lions have been encouraged to mate with other big cats . They can interbreed with other species to create hybrid big cats:

  • Ligre: A cross between a male lion and a tigress. The liger is bigger than the lion or the tiger 🐯. Male leagues are sterile, but many female leagues are fertile.

  • Tigon or Tiglon: Cross between a lioness and a male tiger. Tigers are generally smaller than either parent.

  • Léopon: Cross between a lioness and a leopard 🐆 male. The head resembles that of a lion, while the body is that of a leopard.

Lion Hybrids (Tigon, Ligre and Leopon)

Due to the emphasis on gene conservation of lions, tigers and leopards, hybridization is discouraged 👎 . Hybrids are mostly found in private menageries. The feline known as the mountain lion (puma), however, is a member of the New World genus Puma and not the genus Panthera.

12) Panthera Leo Lifespan

In captivity, in zoos, lions can live up to 25 years 👵 and more! In the wild, a lioness can live to be 16 years old , but males rarely live beyond 12 years. On average, lions live 8 to 10 years, mainly due to attacks from humans, other lions or due to kicks and horns taken during the hunt by defending prey.

13) Evolution and Lion Species

Modern cats first appeared around 10.8 million years ago . Lions, along with jaguars, leopards, tigers, snow leopards 🏔 and cloud leopards, separated from all other cat lineages early in the evolution of the cat family and form today's today what is called the Panthera lineage. Lions shared a common ancestor with jaguars that lived around 810,000 years ago.

cave lion

During the Pleistocene epoch (2,600,000 to 11,700 years ago), lions were present throughout North America 🌎 and Africa , most of the Balkans, Anatolia and the Middle East as far as 'in India. Genetic studies suggest that the lion evolved in eastern and southern Africa, branching out into a number of subspecies from around 124,000 years ago:

  • The Barbary lion (Panthera leo leo) of North Africa

  • The cave lion (P. leo spelaea) of Europe

  • The American lion (P. leo atrox) of North and Central America

  • And the Asiatic lion (P. leo persica) of the Middle East and India - from about 124,000 years ago.

Today, there are less than 40,000 lions 🦁 on our planet, but lions were much more common and widespread in the past: They disappeared from Europe during the first century AD, and from the Middle East and most of Asia in 1950.

Lions disappeared from North America around 10,000 years ago, from the Balkans around 2,000 years ago, and from Palestine during the Crusades 🐎. By the 21st century, their numbers have dwindled to a few tens of thousands, and those living outside national parks are rapidly losing their habitat to agriculture.

Drawing of the North African Barbary Lion (Panthera leo leo)

Around 73,000 years ago, ancient changes in the African climate separated lions into small groups, and over time characteristics evolved to match different environments: some are larger, others have manes larger or darker coat. The largest of these was the North African Barbary lion, which was about 8-9 meters long 😲 with a 1.5 meter long serpentine tail.

Geneticists have identified two lion subspecies : Panthera Leo (found in India, North, Central and West Africa) and Panthera Leo Melanochaita (in East and Southern Africa). These lions have coats ranging in color from almost white to yellow 🟡 fawn, ash brown, ocher and deep orange brown. They have a tuft of dark fur at the end of their tail and are usually between 2.5 and 3.5 meters long.

The closest living relatives of lions are jaguars, followed by leopards and tigers. They have two recognized extinct ancestors , the American lion (Panthera atrox) and the cave lion (Panthera fossilis).

Panthera Leo (Head of a Lion)

14) Lion Species: How Many Types of Lion Are There?

Today, the two main types of lion are the African and the Asian, but it is believed 💭 there are eight in total :

  • The Barbary lion

  • Asiatic lion

  • The West African lion

  • The Masai lion

  • The lion of the Congo

  • The South West African lion

  • The lion of the Transvaal

  • The Ethiopian lion

15) Differences between the African Lion and the Asiatic Lion

Recent phylogenetic studies indicate that lions shouldn't really be categorized as "African" and "Asian". However, the felines living in the two regions exhibit different appearances and behaviors. From a genetic point of view 👩‍🔬, the main difference is that African lions have an infra-orbital foramen (hole in the skull for nerves and blood vessels of the eyes), while Asian lions have an infra-orbital foramen -bifurcated orbital.

asiatic lioness

African lions are larger lions , with thicker, longer manes and shorter tail tufts than Asiatic lions. An Asiatic lion has a longitudinal fold of skin along its belly that African lions lack. The composition of the pride also differs between the two types of lions. This is probably because lions are different sizes and hunt different prey.

16) Threats to Lion Survival

Today, there are half as many African lions as 25 years ago. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimates that there are fewer than 25,000 lions left in Africa 🌍 , which is why the organization classifies them as endangered.

African lions face various threats , most of which can be attributed to humans 🚶‍♀️. The main threats to lions are habitat and prey loss resulting from human population increases and climate change, as well as invasive species, agricultural effluents, diseases such as canine distemper and human retaliation for lion attacks. Another major threat to African lions in the wild is organized hunting.

Asiatic Lion (Asiatic Lion)

A- Lions Attack Livestock

Fearing that lions will prey on their livestock, which can represent a significant financial blow, ranchers may kill animals both in retaliation and as a preventive measure, sometimes using pesticides as poison. Poachers also target lions, as their bones and other body parts are valuable in the illegal wildlife trade.

B- The Lion Hunt: A Significant Threat

Illegal hunting and poaching 🤠 for medicinal purposes and for trophies has also impacted lion populations. The role that trophy hunting plays is controversial.

Legal 🏇🏼 sport hunting is considered a useful management tool, providing needed revenue for sanctuary facilities if practiced at a sustainable harvest rate of approximately one male lion per 2,000 km². Levels higher than this have been documented in several countries in Africa to be detrimental to overall lion populations.

Lion with Cubs Around Him in a Meadow

Mismanaged hunting in the past has caused lions to disappear from some habitats, while hunters and industry players say hunting rights generate money for lion conservation. National Geographic explorer Craig Packer, however, said the money generated from the hunt is so "insufficient...it's no wonder that despite years of legal lion hunting in [some] countries , the lion population has dropped 📉".

C- Diseases

Diseases 🥴, still brought by human activities also affect lion populations. In 1994, for example, a variant of distemper killed an estimated 1,000 lions in Serengeti National Park. The apparent source of the virus was domestic dogs living on the outskirts of the feline park.

D- The Loss of Prey

The loss of prey throughout the species' range further fuels this conflict between lions and humans . African lions prey on large herbivores, a population that is hunted for an increasingly commercial bushmeat trade.

The IUCN estimates that these populations have declined by 52% in East Africa and 85% in West Africa. With less food available in the wild, lions might turn to hunting domestic animals 🐕‍🦺 like cattle.

Asiatic Lion of the Gir in India

Despite these difficulties, lion populations are healthy in many African reserves and in Gir, and they are a major tourist attraction.

However, high lion population densities can be a problem, not only for local herders, but also for cheetahs and African wild dogs - critically endangered carnivores that lose their lives, their cubs and their babies. lives because of lions.

17) The State of Conservation of Lions

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies all lion subspecies as Vulnerable , and in 2013 the ECOS Environmental Conservation Online system in the United States classified the Panthera Leo as Endangered 🚨 , and the Panthera Leo Melanochaita as Threatened .

The number of African lions in the wild is declining and they are now thought to be in danger of extinction . The wild population declined in number by approximately 43% from 1993 to 2014. The 2014 census estimated that there were approximately 7,500 wild lions left 🌄, but numbers have continued to decline since then.

Lion in the African Bush Amid Tall Grass in the Wind

Although lions can tolerate a wide range of habitats, they are threatened because people continue to kill them and because of prey depletion. Humans kill lions to protect livestock 👨‍🌾, for fear of human endangerment, and for illegal trade.

The prey are threatened by the increased commercialization of bushmeat and by the loss of habitats. In some regions, trophy hunting 🥇 has helped preserve lion populations, while it has contributed to the decline of the species in other regions.

Helping humans learn to live with lions 🙂 is essential to ensure their survival. Conservation organizations are working to change attitudes towards lions through compensation initiatives.

Some of these models provide communities with financial rewards 💵 when their local lion population grows, while others pay farmers to replace their livestock killed by lions.

Lion Sleeping Next to a Lioness on a Rock in a Safari

Other conservationists have focused on creating protected areas for lions. In the Selinda region of Botswana, a lone lioness and her cub lived there when filmmakers Derek and Beverly Joubert, both of National Geographic Explorers, turned the land into a protected reserve ✅ and photographic tourism camp. Today, a hundred lions roam the reserve.

In Mozambique's Zambezi Delta, where the effects of a protracted civil war have caused lion numbers to plummet , the largest lion translocation project ever brought in 24 lions from South Africa in 2018 - they are now settled and starting to have babies.

More than 10,000 years ago, lions bred in North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Today, as a result of climate change 🌡 and after centuries of human hunting and habitat degradation, lions mostly live in habitats scattered across Africa - with the exception of forest lions de Gir, who live in a national park in northwest India. An isolated population of Asiatic lions make up a slightly smaller breed that is under strict protection at this wildlife park.

Hot Lion under a Tree and on Hot Red Earth

To prevent lions from becoming as rare as tigers, large swathes of habitat must be carefully protected . In areas where diseases are rife, dogs should be kept away from lions or vaccinated 💉.

Meanwhile, isolated lions in the Gir Forest 🌳 suffer from inbreeding, limited habitat and frequent conflict with humans. This critically endangered population numbers only about 250 lions.

Although growing slowly, this population is threatened by infrastructure development 🏗 and needs additional reserves to grow. Lions share their habitat with many different animals.

Group of Lions, Lionesses and Cubs Cuddling in the Middle of a Path (Lion Herd or Pride)

By saving lions' habitat, other species are also protected, including hyena, wildebeest, plains zebra and axis deer 🦌 (chital).

18) How to Help this Species?

Practice ecotourism 📸 by being a conservationist when you are on vacation. While traveling, support , visit , or volunteer with wildlife organizations. Shop smart too!

Avoid buying products made from animals, which could encourage poaching and the illegal wildlife trade.

These practices endanger these species of felines and they would be endangered. The reintroduction of these animals from Africa has begun. The important thing is to find the dominant male to create a clan.

Now that you know lions in detail, if your children love them as much as you do, then you can discover and adopt a lion plush that your child will love to play with! 😃

Best Lion Stuffed Animals

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